
Canadian Business Immigration Streams

Updated: January 21st, 2021

Self-employed Program

The Self-Employed Program is aimed at applicants who have required self-employed experience. The applicant must also have the intention and the ability to create their own employment and contribute significantly to the cultural, artistic or athletic life of Canada or create their own employment by purchasing and managing a farm in Canada.


Start-up Visa

The Start-up Visa Program is one of Canada's primary Business Immigration pathways. To qualify for this particular visa, applicants must have a qualifying business in Canada, a letter of support from a designated organization, meet certain language requirements and have enough money to settle in Canada.


PNP Entrepreneur Visa Streams

The Provincial Entrepreneur Visas grant holders permanent resident status and the authority to live and run a business in Canada. Qualification requirements vary by province, but typically the foreign investor must have at least three years of business experience within the last five years, and a minimum personal net worth of $500,000 CAD. Demonstrate a commitment to the management and ownership of at least one-third of Canadian business.


Business Visitor Visa

Canada has incredible opportunities for business visitors. The Business Visitor Visa allows for foreign nationals to explore business opportunities, meet their Canadian counterparts, enhance business relationships, attend business fairs, and experience Canadian culture and hospitality for a short period of time.


Canadian Business Immigration Program

The Canadian Business Immigration Program aims to create new opportunities in local markets, by welcoming those who have the skill and experience to help grow it.  

These immigration programs and visas are designed to help promote and develop Canada’s economy by attracting entrepreneurs, the self-employed and businesspersons who are not yet Canadian citizens. Currently, there are three Business Immigration Programs streams available, these are the:

Self-employed Program
Start-up Visa
Business Visitor Visa
PNP Entrepreneur Visa Streams
Investor Visa (Terminated)

Self-Employed Program

This program is for people who are capable of creating their own employment, by contributing athletically, culturally or artistically to Canada’s employment market. People with sufficient funds and relevant work experience can apply for the Self-employed Program.

Start-up Visa

Start-up Visa candidates may apply if they have a qualifying innovative business that will help grow the Canadian economy as well as create jobs in Canada. Successful applicants will get permanent residence for both them and their families.

Business Visitor Visa

This visa is for business individuals who intend to stay temporarily in Canada in order to engage in international business markets by growing, investing or creating business connections. The Business Visitor Visa is for potential candidates who, among other requirements, do not intend to impact directly on the Canadian job market.

PNP Entrepreneur Visa

Entrepreneur programs like the New Brunswick Entrepreneurial Stream give immigrants the opportunity to take advantage of Canada’s growing economic power, and possibly gain permanent residence in Canada, along with their family.

Investor Visa (Terminated)

Depending on which Investor Visa candidates apply for they may stand the chance to gain permanent residence for both them and their families by investing in Canada’s economy.

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