
In-demand Jobs in Nova Scotia in 2020-21

Updated: March 8th, 2021

Nova Scotia is one of Canada's three maritime provinces and four Atlantic provinces, offering a high quality of life that is not only affordable but comes with plenty of great job opportunities in the medical, hospitality, and logistics sectors. Nova Scotia is proud to be a community-centered province making it the perfect place to raise a family. Steeped in culture and diversity, when you become a local Novascotian, you’ll be able to discover the music, art, food, and traditions of over 100 global cultures and ethnicities. As a foreign worker who chooses to work in Canada in one of the thousands of in-demand jobs in Canada, you will be able to choose from one of these top ways to make your move to Canada. So, let's take a closer look at how the Nova Scotia provincial nomination program (PNP) works, and what are the top in-demand jobs in Nova Scotia in 2020-21.             

How Does the Nova Scotia PNP Work?  

male and female nurse sitting at reception in hospital | in-demand jobs in Canada

The Nova Scotia Provincial Nominee Program (Nova Scotia PNP) was designed to help address the labour gap that the province is currently facing. Nova Scotia has several occupations that are in demand, but perhaps two that are highly in demand are physicians and registered nurses. As a medical professional you can apply through one of 3 PNP streams: Occupations In-demand Stream, Physician Stream, or the Labour Market Priorities for Physicians stream. This, however, does not mean that they are the only occupations in-demand. The Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry Stream has 2 categories: Category A for those who have a job offer in any highly skilled occupation under NOC level 0, A or B only, and Category B which is for applicants with at least 1 year of full-time work experience in an opportunity occupation, as specified below. Each stream has its own set of requirements that will need to be met in order to qualify to apply for permanent residence through the Nova Scotia PNP.      

Occupations In-demand Stream

This stream is for intermediate-skilled workers who would like to apply to move to Canada and have work experience in one of the following in-demand jobs in Canada. There are currently two major occupations that are highly in demand in Nova Scotia; Nurses and Truck drivers.      

Occupation In-demand Stream
NOC Code Eligible Occupations
3413 Nurse aides, orderlies, and patient service associates
7511 Transport Truck driver

Physicians Stream

Physicians are also highly in demand in Nova Scotia, so much so that it has 2 streams dedicated to helping physicians work in Canada. The Physicians stream is dedicated to helping the public health authorities (Nova Scotia Health Authority - NSHA) and the Izaak Walton Killam Health Centre (IWK) fill the current need for physicians. This includes general practitioners, family physicians, and specialist physicians.        

Physicians Stream
NOC Code Eligible Occupations
3111 Specialist Physicians
3112 Family Physicians

Labour Market Priorities for Physicians Stream

This stream is for physicians who want to apply to work in Canada and apply through the Express Entry system. In order to qualify for this stream, you will need an approved offer from the Nova Scotia Health Authority or IWK Health Centre as well as have a letter of interest or provincial nomination from the province.       

Labour Market Priorities for Physicians Stream
NOC Code Eligible Occupations
3111 Specialist Physicians
3112 Family Physicians

Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry Stream

This stream is for skilled workers who want to apply to move to Canada through the Express Entry system and have work experience in one of the following in-demand jobs in Canada, specific to the province of Nova Scotia, at skill level 0, A, or B. This includes certain occupations in finance, administration, education, nursing, law, and social work. Applicants must have at least one year of work experience in the last 6 years in order to qualify. This stream opens and closes in order to allow for applications to be processed efficiently.     

Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry Stream Category B
NOC Code Eligible Occupations
1111 Financial auditors and accountants
1114 Other financial officers
1123 Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations
1241 Administrative assistants
1311 Accounting technicians and bookkeepers
2131 Civil engineers
3012 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
3233 Licensed practical nurses
4021 College and other vocational instructors
4211 Paralegal and related occupations
4212 Social and community service workers

How We Can Help You Immigrate to Nova Scotia, Canada

Immigration to Canada can be both complex and confusing. By using our accredited Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) you will not only optimize your chances of success in the visa application process, but you will receive expert advice on which program is best for your personal needs. Our RCICs are registered with the ICCRC and are legally permitted to assist you by evaluating your eligibility, reviewing all documentation, and submitting it to the Canadian government on your behalf. Don't risk your chances of living your Canadian dream. Let us make sure that all forms are completed correctly and sent in on time.    

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