
Saskatchewan PNP

Updated: January 8th, 2021

Saskatchewan is a Canadian province bordering the United States of America to the South. It has two major cities, Regina and Saskatoon. Saskatchewan is covered in grassland, coniferous trees, rivers, and lakes. The provincial capital, Regina, is home to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, housing exhibits on natural history and the people of Canada’s First Nations.

Saskatchewan's population used to be primarily rural but it is becoming more urban. The population was declining for many years; however, in recent years, it is changing as oil sands, potash, and uranium development are driving an economic boom that is mirroring Alberta's boom. Farming remains the largest sector of the economy along with the oil, gas, and mining sectors. Several attempts have been made to grow other sectors of the economy, such as scientific research and technology, for example, a synchrotron has been built at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. 

Here's what you need to know if you want to immigrate to Canada through Saskatchewan's PNP.     

What Is the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP)? 

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada

The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP), is an immigration program that favors prospective immigrants with in-demand job skills and work experience needed in the province. Applicants under the Saskatchewan INP receive a Saskatchewan Provincial Nominee Certificate allowing them to apply for Canadian permanent residency. This is processed much faster than Canadian immigration programs in other provinces.  

Below are the 4 major immigration categories under the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program:

Saskatchewan INP Categories
International Skilled Worker Category
Saskatchewan Work Experience Category
Entrepreneur Category
Farm Owner and Operator Category

International Skilled Worker Category

Professional Indian man

In this category, the SINP can nominate skilled workers who want to live and work in the province. The prospective candidates will need to meet the criteria and skills that will help them to settle successfully in Saskatchewan, including but not limited to: education, skilled work experience, and language proficiency in English and/ or French.  

The International Skilled Worker Category is divided into the following subcategories:  

International Skilled Worker Category
Employment Offer
Occupation In-Demand
Saskatchewan Express Entry

Employment Offer

This subcategory caters to skilled workers who have a job offer for a skilled occupation in Saskatchewan.

If you would like to apply to immigrate to Canada through this category you will need to satisfy all of the following personal eligibility requirements. 

Saskatchewan Employment Offer Category Eligibility Requirements
Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceNo
Job OfferYes - NOC 0, A or B
Language Proficiency CLB 4 or higher
Level of EducationShow proof of license if your occupation is in a regulated profession or trade.
Work ExperienceAt least 12 months
Income/Settlement FundsNo
Average Processing Time18 months

Occupation In-Demand

Truck driver showing a thumbs up

This category caters to skilled workers who do not have a job offer in Saskatchewan but are highly skilled in an in-demand occupation in the province and meet the eligibility criteria of the subcategory.  

Saskatchewan Occupation In-Demand Category Eligibility Requirements
Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceNo
Job OfferNo
Language Proficiency CLB 4 or higher
Level of Education1 year of post-secondary education that’s equivalent to a Canadian diploma, certificate, or degree.
Work Experience12 months in NOC 0, A, or B (cannot be in an occupation listed on the SINP Excluded Occupation List)
Income/Settlement FundsYes
Average Processing Time18 months

Saskatchewan Express Entry

This subcategory is for skilled workers who want to live and work in Saskatchewan and are in the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Express Entry Pool and who meet all the eligibility criteria of the subcategory.  

Saskatchewan Express Entry Category Eligibility Requirements
Express Entry ProfileYes
Connection to ProvinceNo
Job OfferNo
Language ProficiencySee Express Entry requirements
Level of Education1 year of post-secondary education that’s equivalent to a Canadian diploma, certificate, or degree.
Work Experience12 months in NOC 0, A, or B (cannot be in an occupation listed on the SINP Excluded Occupation List)
Income/Settlement FundsYes
Average Processing Time6 months

Saskatchewan Work Experience Category

Smiling doctor posing with arms crossed in the office, he is wearing a stethoscope, medical staff on the background

This category is for foreign workers who are currently working and living in Saskatchewan on a valid work permit and would like to apply for permanent residency through the Saskatchewan INP.

The Saskatchewan Experience Category is divided into the following subcategories:

Saskatchewan Work Experience Categories
Skilled Worker With Existing Work Permit
Semi-Skilled Agriculture Worker with Existing Work Permit
Health Professionals
Hospitality Sector Project
Long-Haul Truck Driver Project

Skilled Worker With Existing Work Permit

This subcategory is for skilled workers who have been working in Saskatchewan for the past six months, with a valid work permit, and who meet the eligibility criteria for the subcategory.  

Skilled Worker With Existing Work Permit Category Eligibility Requirements
Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceWork experience
Job OfferYes
Language ProficiencyNone for NOC 0, A, or B and CLB 4 for NOC C
Level of EducationNo
Work Experience6 months in NOC 0, A or B or Designated Trade
Income/Settlement FundsNo
Average Processing Time+-18 months

Semi-Skilled Agriculture Worker with Existing Work Permit

young asian male farmer checking the quality of the plant in the green house. modern hydrophonic farming

This subcategory is for agri-workers who have been working in Saskatchewan for a minimum of six months on a valid work permit. Candidates must also meet the criteria listed below. 

Semi-Skilled Agriculture Worker with Existing Work Permit Category Eligibility Requirements
Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceWork experience
Job OfferYes
Language ProficiencyCLB 4 or higher
Level of EducationThe Canadian equivalent of high school
Work Experience6 months in NOC 8431: General Farm Worker or NOC 8432: Nursery and Greenhouse Worker
Settlement PlanYes
Average Processing Time+-18 months

Health Professionals Category

You can apply under this subcategory if you have been working on a temporary work permit as a nurse, physician, or health professional for a minimum of six months. Each of these professions has specific eligibility requirements that need to be met. 

Physicians Eligibility Requirements
Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceWork experience
Job OfferYes
Language ProficiencyNo minimum
Level of EducationMedical License
Work Experience6 months in NOC 3111: Specialist Physician or NOC 3112: General practitioners and family physicians
Settlement PlanYes
Average Processing Time+-18 months

Nurses Eligibility Requirements
Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceWork experience
Job OfferYes
Language ProficiencyNo minimum
Level of EducationNursing License
Work Experience6 months in a nursing occupation
Settlement PlanYes
Average Processing Time+-18 months

Other Health Professionals Requirements
Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceWork experience
Job OfferYes
Language ProficiencyNo minimum for NOC 0, A, or B and CLB 4 or higher for NOC C
Level of Education1 Year Post-Secondary Education
Work Experience6 months in a healthcare occupation
Settlement PlanYes
Average Processing Time+-18 months

Hospitality Sector Project

This subcategory is for foreigners currently working or have previously worked in Saskatchewan's hospitality sector and who want to apply for permanent residency in the province. 

Hospitality Sector Requirements
Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceWork experience
Job OfferYes
Language Proficiency CLB 4 or higher for NOC C
Level of EducationEquivalent to Canadian High School
Work Experience6 months in NOC 6513: Food/Beverage Server, NOC 6711: Food Counter Attendant/Kitchen Helper, and NOC 6731: Housekeeping/Cleaning Staff
Settlement PlanYes
Average Processing Time+-18 months

Long-Haul Truck Driver Project

This subcategory allows trucking firms to bring long-haul truck drivers to Saskatchewan. To qualify for this project, candidates must begin working for an approved trucking firm in Saskatchewan on a temporary foreign work permit. If an approved trucking firm offers permanent employment, the trucker may apply to the Saskatchewan INP for permanent resident status after at least six months of employment. The trucker must also meet the specific eligibility criteria of this subcategory. 

Long-Haul Truck Driver Requirements
Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceWork experience
Job OfferYes
Language Proficiency CLB 4 or higher
Level of EducationCurrent Saskatchewan Class 1A driver’s license
Work Experience6 months in NOC 7511:Transport Truck Drivers
Settlement PlanYes
Average Processing Time+-18 months


Student meeting up at a restaurant

This subcategory is for students who have graduated from a recognized post-secondary educational institution in Canada that have received a permanent, full-time job offer from an employer in Saskatchewan. The SINP must approve this job offer before the candidate applies. To get this approval, the employer must register on the SINP Employer website. If the offer is approved, a Job Approval Letter will be issued. A copy of this document must be submitted along with the candidate's application to the SINP. 

Graduates of Saskatchewan Institutes Requirements
Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceStudy and Work Experience
Job OfferYes
Language Proficiency CLB 4 or Higher for NOC C
Level of Education1 Year Post-Secondary in Saskatchewan
Work Experience6 months in Saskatchewan
Settlement PlanYes
Average Processing Time+-18 months

Graduates of Canadian Institutes Outside Saskatchewan
Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceStudy and Work Experience
Job OfferYes
Language Proficiency CLB 4 or Higher for NOC C
Level of EducationMinimum of 8 Months Post-Secondary in Saskatchewan
Work Experience6 months in Saskatchewan
Settlement PlanYes
Average Processing Time+-18 months

Entrepreneur Category

This category is for individuals hoping to own and actively operate a business in Saskatchewan. Applicants must take on an active managerial role in the business. Please note applications under this category are based on an Expression of Interest (EOI) system. The three steps leading up to nomination are as follows. First candidates need to make an (EOI) to the Saskatchewan INP indicating that they are interested in owning or running a business in the province. Second, if candidates are successful, based on a list of program requirements, they will receive an Invitation To Apply. The third step is quite simple - Provincial Nomination. 

The province has also introduced an International Graduate Stream for international students who are over 21 years old and graduating from an educational institution in Saskatchewan with a qualification of at least two years and would like to start or run their own business. Applicants will need a two-year  Post-graduate work permit and a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of at least 7.

Farm Owner and Operator Category

This category is for candidates who want to immigrate to Saskatchewan to buy and run a farm in the province. If the candidates are under 40 years old, they can be considered for nomination under the Young Farmer Stream. Eligibility for this stream is based on available equity, refundable cash deposit, a mandatory visit to Saskatchewan, farm operation knowledge and experience, and a practical proposal for a commercial farming opportunity. 

How Can We Help You Apply to Saskatchewan's PNP?  

It is clear that choosing the correct immigration path for you can be extremely difficult. Saskatchewan, alone, has 12 different streams. Each of these paths come with specific requirements distinct from other provinces. It may very well be the case that you are not eligible for immigration to British Columbia or Quebec but eligible for a Saskatchewan INP. With our help, you can be sure not to miss out on the perfect immigration stream for you. After signing up with us we will analyze your personal information to find each and every stream you qualify for. Working with us improves your chances of Canadian immigration significantly. We are ready to help you, sign up today.  

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